Restaurant workers have long depended on the generosity of others to keep food on the table and funds in their bank accounts, but last year, the community stepped up to the plate in ways we never could have imagined. Because of the public’s willingness to support food-service professionals facing unprecedented circumstances, we made real, tangible differences in the lives of thousands of people – and we wanted to share what was happening behind the line.

First, we wanted to offer up a sincere and humble thank you to all of our generous donors who helped feed, inspire, encourage and otherwise support some of the hardest-working people we know last year, many of whom suffered unimaginable losses. We also wanted to give the world a sneak peek of what we have in the pipeline in the months ahead. This year, we plan to:
- Continue to spearhead COVID-19 relief and recovery efforts for restaurant workers, many of whom are feeling the effects of being out of work for a year or longer
- Expand programming and opportunities for women, immigrant, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC populations across the industry
- Identify new areas of need that arise and implement new programs and initiatives aimed at improving the lives of the people who provide the places where we make our best memories.
While we made some monumental strides over the last year, we have a lot more on our plates as America gets back to business. We welcome recurring and one-time donations at AnotherRoundAnotherRally.org. We also love developing custom programming with our partners and would love to discuss possible collaborations.
A huge thanks to everyone who supports Another Round Another Rally – let’s raise a glass to our donors, our community partners and restaurant workers everywhere.